100 Years Ago:

Nobby's 62nd offence. Samuel (Nobby) Guy, 62, of Carter's Lodging House, Dolday, made his 62nd appearance in the dock at Worcester police court on Tuesday for being drunk and disorderly. When sent down for a month, Guy said it was a shame.

* On Saturday, about 5pm, a motor-car collided near the Leigh Sinton school with a pony and trap driven by Miss Lloyd of Leigh Sinton. The trap was considerably damaged and the pony suffered an injury to its left side. Miss Lloyd, her sister and a baby who was with them, were all thrown into the road but escaped serious injury in a marvellous manner. The driver of the motor-car is unknown.

150 Years Ago:

Death from burning. The following frightful occurrence took place in this city on Friday last. The deceased, Martha Beaman, a widow aged 72, resided with another aged person named Mary Lane in Dance's Entry, Friar Street.

On Friday morning she was left alone and in good health, but when her companion returned in the evening she was nearly suffocated on entering the home by the stench and smoke. To her horror she saw her unfortunate companion lying on the floor close to the fireplace, a blackened corpse. At the inquest on Saturday evening at the Fish Inn, Friar Street, a verdict of accidental death was returned by the jury.

* Love, the celebrated ventriloquist, has announced he is to visit Worcester on the evening of Wednesday next to appear at our Music Hall. This performer's rapid impressions of the most noted characters of everyday life are given with telling truthfulness, while his ventriloquial abilities are such as have obtained for him the favourable opinions of every town in which he has appeared. Visitors to his performances will find themselves well repaid.

200 Years Ago:

ON Monday last, an inquest was taken before Richard Barneby, Gent., coroner, at Little Witley on the body of Joseph Oliver, a waggoner in the service of the Rt Hon. Lord Foley of Witley Court, who on the preceding Saturday, having gone into the stables in apparent perfect health, was in a few minutes after found dead. The jury, after an investigation of the case, returned a verdict: "Death by the visitation of God."

* Committed to our county gaol to await trial, Richard Harvey, late a recruit of the 32nd Regiment, for stealing a cheese and various other articles from the cellar of Mr Weaver of the Dun Cow public house in this city.

* Worcester. Wanted, a number of journeymen tailors who will meet with constant employ and every encouragement on advanced wages of 16 shillings to 20 shillings the week.

Application made to the respective master tailors of the city will be immediately attended to.

250 Years Ago:

THE anniversary of the King's birthday was celebrated in this city with every mark of loyalty and attachment.

The morning was ushered in with the ringing of bells and at noon the Loyal Worcester Volunteer Militia were assembled and drawn up opposite the Guildhall where they fired several excellent volleys in honour of the day.

* To be sold. The manor of North Piddle in the county of Worcester with the manor house and an estate to the yearly value of £30, as now let to a good tenant.

For further particulars enquire of William Beausoy, Attorney of Evesham.

* On Sunday, seven or eight lads were drowned by washing in the Thames.