FAMILIES enjoyed a barbecue, ice creams and the chance to ride in a fire engine at a fire station open day in Droitwich.

The open day was held yesterday at Droitwich Fire Station and enabled people living nearby to meet their local firefighters and see them in action.

Station Commander Phil Sanders said: "It went fantastically well.

"We don't count people but I'd say we were well into the thousands for visitors.

"We also managed to raise a bit of money for charity, £600 which will probably go to Birmingham Children's Hospital.

"We had fire engine rides. They were kept very busy.

"We had a rescue abseil experience that kids could have a go with.

"You could squirt a fire hose.

"We had the police there. They did a display with the vehicles used by the Central Motorway Police Group."

As well as the chance to look around the Friar Street fire station, visitors enjoyed a series of demonstrations.

There was a display from Young Firefighters, a demonstration of how a chip pan fire could catch alight and firefighters set up a mock car accident and showed off their vehicle extrication skills.

There was also a demonstration of a living room fire which Station Commander Sanders said went well.

He said: "We try and do this around about the same time every year.

"Our main aim is to try and get the safety messages across about not returning to a fire and making sure you have a smoke alarm and that you test it.

"It's public awareness and, also, because it's their money that pays for it, we feel they have a right to see what we've got and see demonstrations of what we do."

Visitors were also told that the station was looking for on call firefighters to join the teams at Droitwich and Tenbury.

Anyone over 18 who lives or works within five miles of either station can apply.

A meeting for anyone interested will be held at Droitwich Fire Station at 7pm on Monday, August 8.