A TINY Worcester gallery is making a big impression in the art world.

The small gallery space at Spine Skate Shop in the Hopmarket, Worcester, recently exhibited work by West Midlands-based artist Simon Peplow.

The installation attracted interest from major US art magazine website www.juxtapoz.com and praise from those inside the industry.

Owners of the gallery Chris Bourke and Jo Waterhouse said they were delighted to see their little independent space getting a mention in the international press.

"We are really pleased with how the gallery space has been received," said Mr Bourke.

"In the short time it's been running it's already gained international press coverage and captured the interest of local artists and students, which is what we were aiming for."

The current exhibition is by Sheffield-based artist and illustrator Kev Grey, whose tattoo and comic book inspired drawings have appeared on skateboards, record covers and T-shirts.

The exhibition runs until Saturday, July 7.

For more information about the gallery call 01905 23300 or e-mail info@spineskateboarding.co.uk