A WORCESTER man befriended a woman while her husband was in jail but began sending violent and obscene text messages when he was released.

Police were called when Jonathon Snodgrass called at Jane Smith's home on September 7 last year and began acting aggressively, said Gareth Walters, prosecuting at Worcester Crown Court.

Snodgrass had a Bowie knife in his rucksack and claimed it was for self-protection because Mrs Smith's husband was 6ft 3in tall and weighed 21 stone.

Snodgrass, aged 42, of Wells Road, Ronkswood, admitted harassment and having a blade in a public place.

He was given a 12-month community order and ordered to pay £100 costs.

Judge Andrew Geddes also made a restraining order preventing Snodgrass approaching within 100 yards of the Smiths' home for five years.

Julian Harris, defending, said Snodgrass had kept out of trouble for 10 years and now realised that his relationship with Mrs Smith was over.

He had been in custody for 122 days since his arrest.

The judge said that Snodgrass, who had 12 previous convictions, had behaved outrageously. "I have no doubt it was very frightening for Mrs Smith and her husband," he said. "I know you were disappointed that the relationship came to an end when the husband was released from prison but you had no right to interfere in her life."