A MAN picked up a metal post and confronted doormen after he was refused entrance to a Worcester bar.

Christopher McManus, aged 30, of Burford Close, Worcester, picked up the metal post after being refused entry to Alexanders bar in New Street.

John Cardiff, prosecuting, at Worcester Magistrates Court, said: "He was shouting, swearing and was very argumentative.

"He made various attempts to gain entry to Alexanders and was refused, so he picked up a metal post and moved towards the door."

McManus was charged with causing fear of violence following the incident on Saturday June 4.

Mark Turnbull, defending said: "McManus was refused entry for wearing white trainers.

"The two people behind him were also wearing white trainers, which he believed were virtually identical to his.

"He then started arguing with door staff, and thought he saw one of the door staff tensing his body and stepping back.

"He then backed away, and then he picked up a metal post, used for showing where the queue should be and moved back towards the door.

"He accepts that he was worse for what he had drunk and that this has been an issue for quite some time."

Mr Turnbull stressedMcManus had made positive changes to his life in recent months.

He said: "He is in the first stable employment he has ever had with a local constructing company.

"He now works six days a week on long hours in a job he enjoys and is quite good at.

"He has become a key part of the business.

"Due to his employment he has reduced his alcohol intake, but he still goes out and drinks more than he should on occasion."

McManus, already on two community orders, was given a three months suspended prison sentence, as well as having his community orders removed and a new six month community order put in place.

The order includes 35 rehabilitation days, he was also fined £215 in total that include court costs that will be paid at £20 a week.