A HOSPICE targeted by thieves has received a donation of £1,000 from Tesco stores in Worcester.

Heartless thieves ripped out fences and chopped down trees to steal thousands of pounds of gardening equipment from St Richard's Hospice last month.

After seeing media reports of the theft, Tesco staff contacted the hospice to see how they could help.

Jeremy Steele, manager at Tesco Warndon, said: "When we heard about what had happened we were all very shocked and saddened. We could not believe that people could steal from a charity."

Chris Green, who manages Tesco in St Peter's Drive, added: "The hospice gardens provide such a tranquil place for patients and their families, maintained regularly by a team of dedicated hospice staff and local volunteers.

"We hope that our donation can go some way to helping restore peace to this important aspect of patient care."

Tesco's donation will go towards helping repair damage to the fencing and trees which were torn down during the robbery.

For more information about the Hospice visit strichards.org.uk/