A WELL-known former community hospital matron is facing allegations she claimed almost £28,000 in pay she was not entitled to.

Linda Ingles, the former matron at Malvern Community Hospital, faces a four day hearing at the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) in London starting on Monday.

The NMC alleges that, while employed as a Band 8 nurse at the hospital, Ms Ingles claimed/received a total of £27,974.35 in payments she was not entitled to between October 2007 and August 2013.

The payments include: £21,796.62 for additional part time hours, £1,448.14 for overtime, £671.01 for Saturday enhancements, £2,809.93 for Sunday enhancements, £389.52 for unsocial hours, £397.89 for Bank Holiday payments and £461.24 for Working Time Directive payments.

The allegations put to Ms Ingles by the NMC state that: "Your conduct was dishonest in that you knew that you were claiming and/ or receiving money to which you were not entitled".

Worcestershire Health and Care Trust, which runs Malvern Community Hospital, in Worcester Road, Malvern Link, says it is aware of the hearing but declined to comment on the case.

Ms Ingles stopped working for the trust in 2014, it confirmed.

NMC, the body which regulates nurses and midwives in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, also declined to comment on the hearing.