WAITROSE are offering wine and cheese to residents living near their new store, after congestion experienced during the opening weeks.

Managers at the London Road store want to thank their neighbours for patiently putting up with the traffic chaos.

Staff were not allowed to use the store car park when it opened on June 30, leading some to park in nearby streets.

Jan Jarvis, chairman of the Spetchley Road Association, said: "I had a phone call from the manager and he said 'Mrs Jarvis, I'm so sorry'.

"After the article he invited us to a wine and cheese session at the store community room.

"It's much better now. I don't think it will ever get quite as bad again."

A Waitrose spokesman said the drinks will take place next month, after the summer holidays.

Ms Jarvis said: "Before they allowed staff to use the car park, it was awful.

"There was parking all down Nunnery Lane which made it difficult for children to cross safely."

The parked cars on Spetchley Road narrowed the road, worsening the free flow of traffic, according to Ms Jarvis.

"It's a big relief that the traffic is quieter now Waitrose are allowing their staff to use the car park," she said.

Ms Jarvis said conditions had been helped by the school holidays and the increase in parking spaces at County Hall.

While traffic on Spetchley Road has greatly improved, Ms Jarvis says there are still drivers breaking the 30mph speed limit.

A Waitrose spokesman said: "We are grateful to everyone for their patience following the popularity of the store since opening and encouraged to hear positive feedback from both customers and our neighbours.

"Partners are able to park in the car park everyday and wherever feasible staff use public transport or car share."

Ms Jarvis added that traffic on the road gets worse from September onwards as six formers begin to pass their driving tests.