HAVING never set foot in a boxing ring before, a hospital worker is going to be put to the test in aid of Cancer Research UK.

Novice boxer Adam Llewellyn, from St John's, Worcester, will have just eight weeks of training before he trades punches with his opponent in front of crowds of people.

Having never boxed before, the 32-year-old is being put through his paces with a trainer and in just two weeks has already shed 6lbs.

Wife Ruth will be watching the fight through her fingers at Perdiswell Leisure Centre, Bilford Road, on Saturday, September 24 while children Max, four, and Eve, four months, will be at home.

The Worcestershire Royal Hospital worker hopes he will not be punching below his weight with his fundraising efforts and has to raise a minimum of £50 and sell 20 tickets.

The dad-of-two said: "It sounds cheesy but I want my son to see that you shouldn't be afraid to do things in life and to not give up.

"It's going to be hard but worthwhile.

"My wife wasn't best pleased to start with but she's come around to it now.

"Working at the hospital, I see people who are unfortunately suffering from cancer, I've lost family members and a friend has just gotten over it.

"I wanted to try and do my best to help out and raise money for a good cause and get fit myself.

"A few friends have done it before and they've all won so no pressure!"

Anyone wishing to donate can do so by emailing adam.llewellyn@sky.com for more information or to book tickets log on to ultrawhitecollarboxing.co.uk.