A GRANDMOTHER famed for being at the centre of a £33million Lotto scandal has said she "never claimed to have won the lottery".

Warndon gran Susanne Hinte hit the headlines earlier this year after claiming she placed a jackpot lottery ticket in the wash, obliterating the date and barcode.

In an interview with the BBC, Ms Hinte - who appeared on Channel 5's On Benefits last night (Thursday) - said she blamed her son and the owner of the shop where she bought the ticket for the media frenzy which followed.

The Worcester resident told the BBC: "I should have not gone into the shop because sadly, you know, didn't care how it affected me. As well as my son. People don't realise the implication it had.

"People might say: 'Look at her now, she's making money out of it'. Name me one person what wouldn't, because if doors are opening, I haven't asked for it - why wouldn't I go through them?"

The 48-year-old said she regrets not taking Camelot's advice not to return to the shop she bought the ticket from.

"I went to see Camelot," Ms Hinte said. "They reassured me, they said they had seen worse in tickets and I must go home to write a letter. They advised me not to take it to a shop.

"Camelot's rules and regulations are that if someone has a lost, stolen or damaged ticket we have to accompany that by a letter. It is only Camelot who know where this ticket was bought.

"Unless I was Mystic Meg and zoomed into the shop, how would it have been possible for me to try and defraud a lottery or scam a lottery?

"I never once claimed to have won the lottery."