A CREATIVE youngster from Pershore has scooped top prize in a competition to design a house of the future.

Frankee Camden, aged seven, won Persimmon Homes South Midlands' drawing contest with her futuristic concept.

The Cherry Orchard First School pupil beat competition from other Key Stage One and Two children, who submitted a range of inventive designs.

Carol Selway, of Persimmon, said: "As we are building just a few miles from the school at our Wyre Meadows development, we were interested in seeing what the younger generation would consider important in future homes.

"All of the children showed a thorough understanding of the task and we were really impressed to see how the competition really sparked their imagination. It was difficult to choose a winner.

"Frankee’s castle design featured many energy saving ideas including solar panels, big windows, water butts and a space saving roof garden.

"We also loved her posh tower for entertaining and the self-cleaning glass tunnel - we really felt she demonstrated wonderful creativity."

Sarah Bitcon, headteacher at Cherry Orchard First School, added: "We encourage our students to take an active interest in businesses in their community. Links like this with Persimmon provide us with valuable new learning opportunities."

Frankee was presented with a Lego City Town Square by Amanda Rogers, field sales manager with the regional housebuilder.