FRIENDS of a popular Worcester runner who died earlier this year have organised a charity 10K in her honour.

Rebecca Wilkins, who lived in White Castle, was an enthusiastic member of city running group the Black Pear Joggers before she died in February.

Now fellow joggers have arranged the Wilkins Way 10K to raise money for Anorexia and Bulimia Care, which the young solicitor also supported during her life.

The run, which starts at 10am on Sunday, August 14, begins at the County Sports Playing Field in Claines Lane.

Speaking earlier this year, Louise Wilkins, Rebecca's sister, said: "I think it is a lovely tribute to her. It is a way of raising money for charity.

"I think she would have loved it."

Mark Dillon, race organiser and director, said: "A group of her friends wanted to do something for Rebecca.

"They just felt they didn't want their friend straight away forgotten about. They wanted to bring her to the forefront and wanted to raise some money for her charity.

"It is a really nice route."

The picturesque, multi-terrain route winds its way around the lanes and countryside of Fernhill Heath, near Worcester.

Proceeds raised from the run will be donated to Anorexia and Bulimia Care, a charity which supports people affected by eating disorders.

Anyone can take part and runners can enter right up to the day of the event.

To enter visit

For more information about the charity visit

Wilkins Way 10K is registered with UK Athletics and has the reference number 2016-26485