RESIDENTS are being urged to help keep Worcester clean by reporting dog mess to the City Council using an app.

The PooWatch web app allows members of the public to report dog mess or to find the nearest bin for pet waste.

Jude Allen, community safety co-ordinator at Worcester City Council, said: “The PooWatch app lets you report dog mess on Worcester’s pavements instantly and then get live updates on what’s being done about it.

“It’s a great tool for dog owners and other residents, and the more people that use it, the fewer unsightly views and smells of dog litter there will be on our streets this summer.”

The app also allows PooWatch volunteers to pinpoint – and crack down – on dog mess hot spots.

Volunteers install poo bag dispenders, spray chalk markings and stencil messages in the target areas to deter people from leaving their dog’s mess behind.

“The hot spots change all the time, but current ones are along the canal, Northwick Road and Flag Meadow Walk,” said Ms Allen.

To download the app visit