AN actress from TV series Mr Selfridge was at Worcester Cathedral to launch its period drama costume exhibition.

Zoe Richards, who played Jenny Dolly in the last series, was at Worcester Cathedral's chapter house on Monday to cut the ribbon at the start of the Dressed for Drama exhibition.

She posed for pictures alongside one of the costumes she wore during filming of the period drama about the London department store.

The exhibition features costumes from British TV and film including Mr Selfridge, Downton Abbey, The Hollow Crown, Wolf Hall and Poldark.

Susan MacLeod, Cathedral operational manager, said: “We were delighted that Zoe was able to join our celebrations and cut the red ribbon officially opening Dressed for Drama.

"It’s been really special to have had an actor here who actually wore one of the costumes.

"The Dolly sisters' outfits are stunning.”

Dressed for Drama has been created to attract summer visitors and will help raise funds for the Cathedral.

Individuals and companies have sponsored a costume and Mrs MacLeod said some of them attended the evening launch.

She added: "Visitors who viewed the exhibition on the first day commented on how beautiful the costumes are, how the hand stitched detail is amazing and what a great experience the exhibition is."

The exhibition will run until Monday, August 29.

Tickets costing £6.50 for adults and £4.50 for under 18s can be bought at the Cathedral chapter house entrance.

Under 5s go free.

More information is available at