A QUIRKY project to celebrate the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare's death has been launched at Malvern's Theatre of Small Convenience.

Members of the public are being invited to pin their favourite quote to a large model of the Bard, which has gone on display outside the Edith Walk venue.

Each person will write their best-loved Shakespeare quote on a small tag, with organisers hoping the 'Quoting Billy' dummy will become covered with messages.

Dennis Neale, who manages the theatre, said: "He is an old tailor's dummy, but he has got a head and he has got his sunglasses on - he is quite comical.

"It is Shakespeare's anniversary and we haven't had a Shakespeare play on for a while. It is very hard in a small theatre to do big plays for small audiences so this is our way of celebrating."

Quoting Billy will be outside the theatre from Wednesday to Saturday throughout August, from 2pm to 5pm.