TWO Biology pupils from Tudor Grange Academy Worcester have enjoyed a medical maverick event.

The event was aimed at showing pupils the career paths available after studying Biology and Chemistry, aside from being a doctor or a nurse.

Laura Robertson, head of science, took pupils, Jessica Lines and Henry Newman, to Tudor Grange Academy Solihull for the event.

They heard about roles such as a cytogeneticist, radiographer, clinical biochemist and perfusionist.

The pupils also experienced medical equipment and diagnostic tests doing an ultrasound on themselves to see their hearts beating, and measuring the width of their vena cava and aorta in their liver.

They were also able to wire themselves up to an ECG machine and interpret their heart rhythm.

They took blood, did key hole surgery and practised suturing as well as taking their blood pressure and measuring their lung age.

Pupils assessed their reflexes, hearing ages and were immersed into what it would be like to have eye conditions such as tunnel vision, double vision and hazy vision.

Mrs Robertson said: "Pupils were incredibly enthused and inspired by the event and are now considering many more careers than they were initially."

The visit took place on Tuesday, July 11.