AN Olympic and Commonwealth badminton medalist has visited a Worcester school.

Simon Archer was at Blessed Edward Oldcorne Catholic College for two assemblies which celebrated the sporting success of students.

He presented pupils with medal and certificates and spoke to them about the highlights of his career as a professional badminton player.

His talk also covered the benefits of taking part in physical activity and the need to work hard to succeed in sport and all aspects of life.

The visit took place on Friday, July 15.

The college was also awarded the Sainsbury's School Games Mark Silver recently.

Paul Coward, area leader for PE, said: "The School Games Mark is a government led awards scheme which rewards schools for their commitment to the development of competition across their school and into the community.

"The award recognises the college's commitment to extra-curricular sport and our involvement in inter-school sports competitions such as netball, badminton, athletics, basketball, boccia and orienteering."