A WORCESTERSHIRE man is hitting the big time in Spain and recently did a star turn as a singer at the recent Miss World competition.

Larrick Ebanks was born in Bromsgrove and lived in Redditch as a child.

Now he's one of the most featured vocalists on house tracks coming out of Spain, the country he moved to eight years ago.

A childhood friend, Donna Dean, is proud of his growing success.

She said: "I knew him as a child in Redditch where his large family and extended family still live.

"He deserves every success and he is a really lovely grounded person. He deserves everything that life is currently bringing him."

In Redditch, Larrick attended St Luke's First School. Walkwood Middle School and Bridley Moor High School.

Born to Jamaican parents with Scottish heritage, Larrick grew up "on a cocktail of reggae, dub, disco, pop, rock and blues" before moving to London in 1990.

On his resume are live support slots for Desmond Decker, Black Sabbath and Steve Gibbons, and he has contributed vocal sessions for Slade, Musical Youth, Stephen Duffy, Ruby Turner and others.

He is now based in-between Barcelona and London and in great demand, while recording with some of Spain's top producers and performing at prestigious events, including Miss World.

Larrick said: "I moved to Barcelona eight years ago as a marketing and promotions manager for a bar, club restaurant owned by the actor Anthony Quinn's son, Lorenzo Quinn, and I was also doing vocal sessions."

In March 2013, his seventh dance release ‘Stay With Me’, teaming him up with Spanish radio's DJ Marsal Ventura of Flaix Fm, hit the No 1 spot on the dance chart .

Larrick is now recording an EP.