EVESHAM parents are concerned about local childcare provision after being told Orchard and Spring Vale Children's Centre is closing down.

Centre staff reportedly told parents two weeks ago that a play group is being cancelled due the upcoming closure of the centre.

The revelation comes as children's centres across Worcestershire face funding cuts of more than £3m.

Caroline Hudson, who is four months pregnant and has a two-year-old son, said: “We were told the centre was closing at a stay and play session on July 20.

"We were informed there would be no more stay and play for toddlers and preschoolers as the term was finishing and it would not be returning as the centre was closing."

Ms Hudson, who lives in Greenhill, said the centre serves as the first port of call for struggling parents.

“Groups offer staff the ability to see who is not coping and may require further referral, losing that will put children at risk,” she said.

Ms Hudson, 35, expects a small family support service to remain in the building but said staff were unable to speak publicly about the centre's future.

Daisy Halford, who attends the centre with her seven-month-old son Joshua, said: “The number of groups has already dropped massively.”

Mrs Halford said she had a little cry when she found out about the centre closing.

“I know that if I have a problem I can go to my centre and there will be someone there who will be able to help me," she said.

“What will happen now if I need to see someone on the day, who will I got to?”

Mrs Halford, who lives in Fairfield, said she made new friends through the centre.

The stay and play groups are great way to socialise and meet other parents, according to Mrs Halford.

Parents also have the opportunity to speak to family support workers and ask for advice at the sessions, according to Ms Hudson.

"This is becoming increasing more important as health visitors are so busy and harder to access," she said.

Parents are confused about the future of the centre and claim they have not been properly consulted by the council.

A spokesman for Evesham National Childbirth Trust said: “Evesham is not an affluent area and the services provided can make a huge difference to the lives of families here.”

A similar incident was reported last week, when parents at Evergreen Children's Centre were told their centre was closing, although Action for Children later said it would stay open.

Cllr Marc Bayliss, cabinet member for children and families, said: "No children's centres are closing that we own or manage.

"Stay and play may become operated by volunteers in the future. There will be a reduced array of services in some centres.

"No decisions have been made on individual centres."

Cllr Bayliss said he did not know the specifics in regard to the cancellation of the stay and play group in Evesham.

It was revealed in the Worcester News on Wednesday that centres in the county are also facing government funding cuts.

It has emerged that centres are set to lose £1.9m in central funding due to the Early Intervention Grant ending.

When combined with the proposed £1.5m county council cuts to centres, this forms a total figure of £3m in reduced funding.

A spokesman for 4Children said: “My understanding is that the consultation into future plans for children’s centres in your area is still underway.

“I’m afraid we’re not able to comment at this stage. The council may be able to offer further insight.”