THE electric shaver will be buzzing away in the foyer of a home improvement store on Saturday.

Customers will be able to watch as staff member Tristan Dalton gets a radical new hairdo when he Braves the Shave for Macmillan in B&Q, Spring Lane, Malvern.

Staff will also be donating cakes to sell for the good cause and manager Jayne Warrilow said she hoped a few more people may sign up for the head shave.

"We have one volunteer so far who is having is head shaved.

"Tristan wanted to do it because he has someone close to him who sadly passed away from cancer and he wanted to dedicate it to this person."

Mr Dalton said: “My inspiration behind braving the shave is mostly down to my cousin Lois, who my family lost to leukaemia when I was 11 years old, after a two year fight with the disease.

"She and I were very close, so I support cancer charities whenever I can.”

People will be able to donate throughout Saturday.

The bake sale is planned to start at 10am and will continue throughout the day while Mr Dalton will be having his hair shaved off at about 11am.