A SPECIAL tea party was held to celebrate a Worcestershire teacher who has retired after 43 years.

Mary Daffurn began her teaching career in September 1973 at Honeybourne School and has worked in various different schools in and around Evesham and Broadway.

Most recently she was early years lead and assistant headteacher at St Andrew’s CE School in Hampton, where she has worked for 27 years.

Mary Daffurn said: “To me, St Andrew’s School is what a school should be and during my time here, I have been fortunate to work with some truly inspiring leaders and teachers and to have had fantastic parental support, and most importantly, to have taught enthusiastic children who wanted to learn."

She added: “Although there have been many changes in education through the years, I have always stayed true to my beliefs."

Headteacher Adam Spencer said: “We are very sad to see Mary leave our school, but wish her a very happy retirement.

"She has had an immeasurable impact on the school and leaves our early years provision in an extremely strong position."

He added: “Her kindness and dedication to everyone at St Andrew’s CE School has been remarkable and she will be sorely missed."

Former pupil Rosie Black said: "I was taught by Mary Daffurn in Reception and absolutely loved it.

"She made learning fun and always took time to include all abilities.

"She was always supportive and whenever I see her now, even 20 years later, she remembers who I am and remembers teaching me which is incredible."

The whole school celebrated the occasion by holding a special tea party and leavers’ assembly.