A COLOURFUL exhibition in Worcester is proving a big hit with families during the summer holiday, say organisers.

Families have been flocking to enjoy the 'Pirates, Pants and Wellyphants' exhibition at Worcester City Art Gallery and Museum, in Foregate Street.

The exhibition is inspired by illustrator Nick Sharratt, known for his work on books such as Ketchup on your Cornflakes and Shark in the Park.

Hundreds of families took the opportunity to meet Mr Sharratt when he popped in to open the exhibition earlier this summer and museum manager Angie Bishop said: "Families have loved this lively, colourful exhibition since it opened, and after attracting hundreds of excited young fans to meet Nick Sharratt on the opening day it's great to see them return again and again to enjoy the many activities."

The exhibition is open from Monday to Saturday between 10.30am and 4.30pm until Saturday, September 3. As well as a chance to view original artwork by Mr Sharratt and see films about his career, visitors can try their hand at mimicking his unique style on a giant wipe-clean 'drawing wall'.

For more information call 01905 25371 or visit museumsworcestershire.org.uk.