VISITORS young and old are being invited to enjoy a fun-filled open day at Droitwich Fire Station.

Staff at the station, in Friar Street, will throw open its doors from 11am until 3pm on Saturday, August 6, and will offer a host of entertainment.

Chris Jelfs, of Droitwich Fire Station, said: "It is an ideal opportunity to interact with the community, give out fire safety advice and for members of the community to come and see what we do on a daily basis.

"Last year was very well attended and we are hoping to repeat that this year."

There will be the chance to ride on a fire engine, watch a front room fire demonstration, have your face painted, and enjoy a barbecue.

Central Motorways Policing Group and the Roads Policing Unit will hand out car safety advice, while St John's Ambulance is also set to attend.