BARBARA Rowberry, president for the evening as Maureen Matthews was on holiday, welcomed members to the May meeting, and thanked Dorothy Minton for the arrangement of sweet williams.

Christine Williams then read the minutes of the last meeting and the notices. Maureen and Barbara were to represent St Peter's at the Mayor's service in the cathedral.

Everyone agreed that the WI dinner had been very enjoyable. Linda Collins and Jean Birbeck agreed to go to the new speakers' evening in the hope of hearing some interesting new speakers suitable for booking for next year.

The national resolution opposing the closure of community hospitals was presented by Christine Williams and passed unanimously. Joan Brand presented a Worcestershire Federation resolution which had been selected for national consideration but was being opened up for discussion by WI members in Worcestershire.

It calls for full funding of nursing home care, thus ending the present discrepancies. After some discussion and members telling of personal experiences we decided to include it on next month's agenda, when absent members could add their thoughts.

St Peter's narrowly lost one of two recent skittkes matches, but won the other. Members were reminded of the fund-raising evening at the Anchor Inn, which will include a buffet and a raffle. Dilys Round has arranged an outing to Hartlebury Castle in July and will have the menu for a meal next month.

Refreshments for the evening were crusty bread and cheese, with wine or apple juice. Members then enjoyed a light-hearted quiz set by Joan Brand. The competition for an arrangement in an egg-cup was won by Shirley Yapp.

We meet on the third Wednesday of the month in St Mark's Church Hall at 7.30pm. Veronica Colette will speak about living and working in Saudi Arabia at our June meeting, visitors and new members will be made most welcome. J BIRBECK