Flower Club: The speaker at the May meeting was Lynn Green, whose presentation Anything Goes proved to be a most rewarding experience. Flowers and foliage of choice quality were combined in arrangements that gave real pleasure, and it was obvious that Lynn's knowledge and expertise made it all happen. Flower of the month was Pat Kay's black tulip.

We meet today at 2.15pm for a visit to Margaret Packer's garden at the Dower House, Ombersley, followed by her traditional English tea. Next month's meeting is on Tuesday, July 10 ,at 7.30pm in Wychbold village hall, when Margaret Packer will be the guest speaker.

Women's Institute: President Dot Waldron welcomed members to the May meeting, at which it was good to see Joyce Parkes return after her knee operation. She thanked members for the cards, flowers and good wishes she had received. Lil Spray thanked members for the bouquet and card sent to mark her 80th birthday.

There was unanimous support for the resolution to be debated at the NFWI annual meeting which urges the Government to halt the closure of community hospitals, which members consider provide essential services to local people.

There was discussion on the need for parity of funding for care of the elderly, and a speaker from Age Concern will be talk on the subject at our meeting this month.

Beetle drive winner was Peggy Mears, hotly pursued by Pat Kay. Angela Kovacevic was thanked for her floral arrangement on the officers' table, and tea duty ladies were Margaret Bradford, Peggy Poultney and Sue Pugh.

Women's Fellowship: Although attendance at the May meeting was lower than usual, the enjoyment factor was positive, thanks to Ann Brown's tape of Pam Ayres in full flow, followed by Dot Waldron's beetle drive.

There was a report on the recent annual service of Women's Fellowships at St Laurence Church, Alvechurch, when the Rev David Martin led the worship. The fellowships exchanged reports of their activities during the past year. We meet next on Monday, June 18, at 7pm in Wychbold Church for our Songs of Praise service. PAT KAY