CHILDREN enjoyed a mock wedding as part of their education about religions.

The year 2 pupils from St Clement's Primary School dressed up in their finery to recreate the wedding as part of their learning about rites of passage in different religions.

The mock Christian wedding was held in St Clement's church with family, friends and staff playing the part of the congregation.

The year 2 pupils dressed up as the bride and groom, ushers, best man, bridesmaids and flower girls and even the mother of the bride.

Among them were Izzy Tyler as the bride, Lewis Coombes as the bridegroom, Maxwell Chivers as best man and Sol Stallard and Luke Packwood as ushers.

Madison Woodman was a flower girl while Rianna Kort was maid of honour and Mya Obrey-Robinson was bridesmaid.

The role of mother of the bride went to Violet Snell.

After the ceremony, the children enjoyed a reception in the school hall with the traditional welcome line, speeches, cutting of the cake and the first dance.

Tracy Bagg, from the school, said: "As well as being a fabulous time for the children, it helps their understanding and respect for traditions, faiths and family make up."