A YEAR 7 pupil has been awarded the Worcester City Brass (WCB) training bandsman award at an annual music evening.

Ffion James, a student at Nunnery Wood High School, was given the award for her dedication, commitment and development to the band.

The WCB was set up in 1997 to give young brass players in Worcester the opportunity to meet and make music but had not met for several years.

It was reformed in June 2015 with youth and training band rehearsals held on Wednesday evenings at Nunnery Wood High School.

The Youth Band has performed with Worcester Male Voice Choir and took part in a German TV documentary about Edward Elgar, which is being broadcast on Sky Arts later this year.

Ffion who plays trumpet and trombone said: “I was shocked but happy to be given the award.”

Mrs Emma Telger, Head of Year 7 said: “It was an absolute pleasure to attend the event and watch Ffion play and be awarded the training bandsman of the year.”

The music evening was held on Wednesday, June 27.