A TEAM from Hanley Castle High has won first prize at the CIPFA Management Games.

Sixth form students from across the Midlands met at The University of Worcester to take part in the games.

They acted out the roles of a management team of ‘Stead Homes’ – a fictional housing association.

The management teams faced a visit from their local MP, an angry Trade Union Official and a press enquiry and subsequent press conference.

They also had to try and deliver services with reduced resources.

Teacher Debbie Berry took the business studies and economics team to the University on Wednesday, July 6.

She said: "All students thoroughly enjoyed the day and worked hard to develop team work, communication and employability skills.

"Chloe Sharman took on the role of chief executive and won the prize for the best contributor to the Hanley team, nominated by the supporting mentor.

"The other students - Emma Bottomley, Rosie Pushman, Holly Pinchbeck, Maddie Longshaw, Dave Harris and Tom Quinton-Fox were all fantastic ambassadors for the school and worked superbly well during the day.

"I am very proud of how the students worked together on the day to complete a really challenging set of tasks that genuinely reflected the issues faced by public sector organisations today.

"All students gained invaluable experiences from the event, which they also found enjoyable too."