A WORCESTER man admitted punching two women and resisting arrest by police officers.

Lucas Glackin, of Wylds Lane, Worcester, appeared at Worcester Magistrates Court on Friday, (July 15).

Prosecuting Jackie Rogers said the incident started at 4am on the morning of June 26.

Mrs Rogers said the victims, Sarah Fisher and Helen Belmonte, had been on a night out in Worcester city centre but did not know each other.

On their way home they came across an incident in which Glackin had taken a phone from another woman, who they both knew.

She was asking for the phone back but the 27-year-old was refusing to hand it back, so they intervened to help.

During this time, Mrs Rogers said, Glackin became angry.

He said he would "count to 10" or "would lose it" and as he started counting Glackin suddenly punched out at Ms Fisher.

Mrs Rogers described the punch as being with a clenched fist, to the left side of the face, and caused her to stumble, leaving her with a sore jaw.

Mrs Rogers said Glackin then hit Ms Belmonte who, as a result of the impact, fell to the ground and suffered cuts including to her hands.

Mrs Rogers said the punches were unprovoked and to two vulnerable women.

Police officers on duty nearby saw the assaults and ran over. Mrs Rogers said they described Glackin as being "out of control", as he began to punch out at them.

Mrs Rogers added they had to call for backup, who helped to finally restrain Glackin.

Paul Stanley, defending, said Glackin had a history of suffering mental health issues, and had been seeing a psychologist.

Mr Stanley said he had not been in trouble for nine years, and called for a full report before sentencing.

Magistrates adjourned the case for a report to be carried out before sentencing, with Glackin set to appear again at the court on August 5.