AN appeal has been launched to find Worcestershire residents ready to put their best foot forward and raise cash for the county’s unpaid carers.

Last year the Worcester News reported on Worcestershire Association of Carers’ (WAC) appeal for runners to represent the charity at the Worcester City 10k.

This year the appeal has relaunched, with the charity joining forces with Worcestershire Young Carers (WYC).

Carole Cumino, WAC’s chief executive officer, said in 2015 the runners managed to raise £7,923, and this year the charities will share the cash, so young carers will also benefit.

Lorraine Preece, YSS’ chief executive, added “It feels like the race is already on - the bigger the team the greater the awareness.

“This race is a great opportunity to not only raise funds but also to reach more young and adult carers.”

Athletics hero Steve Cram, whose company Events of the North is behind the popular city run, said it will be great to have a carers team back for this year’s event on Sunday, September 18, as it will be the third year WAC has entered a team.

For more details, or to sign up to the team, call 01905 751340 or visit