WORK is under way to deal with a wall at Rainbow Hill in Worcester which could have posed a hazard to passers-by.

Action has been taken following inquiries by the Worcester News, which was contacted last week by a reader who was worried about the state of the wall, opposite the junction with Dutton Street.

M Arrowsmith wrote: "There is a six-foot-high wall on the left-hand side of Rainbow Hill, just at the top of the steep rise as one walks up from the city centre.

"Said wall has been threatening to collapse on to the pavement for some time - indeed, it has been braced on the outside against such an event for well over a year.

"The bracing is now failing and the wall is leaning precariously over the footpath. An inadvertent push from the inside is all that would be required to send it and its brace falling onto the pavement and, should there happen to be someone walking by at the time, causing death or severe injury. This situation needs addressing with urgency before someone is hurt. "

The Worcester News approached Worcester City Council, which sent out a building control inspector to look at the wall, and subsequently contacted Martin Rhodes Property Management, which is responsible for the premises.

Mr Rhodes told the Worcester News that work was already under way to deal with the problem.

He said: "We have removed the top four or five courses of the wall, and workmen will be going out at the end of this week or the beginning of next week to rebuild it and make it safe.

"I don't think it was dangerous, as the person who contacted you thought. If they had contacted me, I hope I could have assured them that it was not a dangerous situation."

City council spokesman Rob Byrne said that if property owners or managers did not carry out work as advised by the building control service, the council has the power to take action to force the repairs.