When visiting the coasts, we can find several interesting local weather effects. Land and sea breezes are micro climate at it's best. Due to the sea and land through the day and night changing temperature, these sea and land breezes occur frequently especially in periods of fine anticyclonic weather conditions.

A Sea Breeze is set up by the air being warmed by contact with the ground, especially in periods of placid weather beneath high pressure cells when the wind flow is slack and weak. The air rises and cooler air from over the sea blows in to replace it, as a sea breeze.A Land Breeze occurs during the eventide and night as the land cools much faster than the sea. Cool air sinks over the land and flows seaward at a low level. This is called a Land Breeze.So, if you were to see a flag flying through the day time, it would be extended in towards shore, at night the opposite pointing or blowing from land to sea.They are very local wind effects but sometimes the sea breeze can push miles in land, until the great heating of the inland areas over comes this effect.During periods of heat, especially in heatwaves, these sea breezes of day time brings much relief, creating a very refreshing feel to the day.Next week.......Urban WeatherThe answer to last week's question.....small soft hail.This week's question....when would you find a sea breeze: A/ During the night.B/ During the day.Glossary of Common Weather Terms:

A gale is defined as a surface wind of mean speed of 34 knots or more over a period of ten minutes.

Weather for period Monday 11th June-Friday 15th June

High pressure giving way to low from middle of week onwards.Monday and Tuesday fair warm spells with light winds, any showers scattered.Wednesday brings sunshine and showers, some on the sharp side.Remainder of week rain or showers mixed with drier, brighter intervals.Maximum temperature 20-23c 68-73f.Minimum temperature 12-15c 54-59f.Last Week's Observations (Monday-Friday)Highest daytime temperature.......24.4c 77f.Lowest nightime temperature........9.9c 50f.Wettest day......No rain logged.