WORCESTERSHIRE County Council joined forces with the St Johns branch of Sainsburys's to organise a fun day for children who are being looked after by the county.

The event, held on Sunday at Perdiswell Young People's Centre, was organised by the county's Youth Voice Team, with the supermarket donating all of the refreshments, including tea, coffee, squash and biscuits.

The fun day was full of activities including magicians, origami, animals, music, bouncy castles, face painting, Tibetan therapies and lots of arts and therapeutic gardening activities.

Sally Clewes of the council said: "What a great day all our looked-after children and their carers had. Everybody on the Youth Voice Team loves to see so many of our children having such a busy time with big smiles on their faces.

"Well done to all the organisers and volunteers who made the day so special. It was a fantastic day and the sun shone for everyone. Many thanks go to Sainsbury's St John's store for their kind donation of all the refreshments on the day."