GETTING stick as an MP sadly goes with the territory, but one of our crop stumbled rather accidentally across the perfect solution to de-stress.

Mid-Worcestershire's Nigel Huddleston, during a debate over mobile phones, told MPs: "Today has been the first time in my entire time in parliament where I haven't looked at my mobile to see abuse on Twitter, Facebook or an email.

"That's because 14 hours ago I lost my phone - it's been one of the most relaxing and productive days of my time in parliament, I highly recommend it."

* THE Source loves getting anonymous tip-offs from political troublemakers, and a pretty special one arrived on the desk this week.

Which senior Labour figure in Worcester is known to colleagues as The Great Panjanbum?

Answers on a naughty postcard.

* THERESA May's bloodbath formed a gentle sideline of entertainment at County Hall yesterday where politicians, ever connected to social media excitement, couldn't help but draw quite the unflattering comparison.

Lib Dem Fran Oborski, with the sackings in full flow, said: "I want to congratulate Theresa May.

"I always thought Macmillan was good with the 'night of the long knives', Theresa May is the morning of the big scythe."

* WE'VE all been known to make our apologies but during the last meeting of the county council's main health scrutiny committee, the body charged with holding NHS chiefs to account, no fewer than seven politicians failed to turn up - quite possibly an all-time record.

"We've gone for quality this week, rather than quantity," sighed its new chairman Councillor Alan Amos.

* THAT Tory leadership contest was so swift it's led to 'Green Eyes Syndrome' kicking in among Labour MPs, and who can blame them?

"I've had a number of Labour MPs come up to me who can't believe how jealous they are about how we've sorted out our leadership contest so quickly," Worcester MP Robin Walker tells us.

* NOT many politicians in Worcestershire can claim to have been touched by greatness, but Labour Councillor Robin Lunn doesn't half mix with superstars.

County Hall's bearded leftie, a man of the cloth, was in York last weekend for a General Synod of the Church of England, where he heard the latest political and sporting gossip from a highly unusual source.

"I heard two big things this week - that Andy Murray had won Wimbledon and that the new Prime Minister was going to be Theresa May - direct from the mouth of the Archbishop of Canterbury," he tells us.

Does Justin Welby want Corbyn to go too?