THREE quick-thinking teenagers who rushed to the aid of an 89-year-old blood-soaked man after he fell and broke his nose in Worcester city centre have come forward.

The Worcester News reported how the young good samaritans were sitting on a bench near to Connect to Vape, in Broad Street, where the man fell to the ground and was unable to move at 4pm on Friday, July 8.

Afterwards, people at the scene praised the young men for their actions, and the Worcester News attempted to track them down.

On Friday, Luke Moule, 16, Duncan Dew, 17, and 16-year-old Khalid Baig came forward to identify themselves as the heroes.

All three, former pupils of the Chantry School, refused to leave the elderly man until he was taken to Worcestershire Royal Hospital.

During the incident they were helped by care worker Simon Jones, who was passing by at the time, and Christopher Willmott, who works at the shop and called for an ambulance.

Mr Moule, from Broadheath, who works at a barbers shop and for a landscaping business, said: "We had literally just sat down on the bench where we were meeting up, when he fell.

"We were in shock at first, but we all felt someone had to do something.

"We turned him over and put him in the recovery position. He had a cut under his eye, and bruising."

Mr Dew, from Hallow, said: "He had broken his nose - the blood just kept coming.

"I got my hoody and put it under his head, it was covered in blood.

"We were using anti-bacterial wipes and tissues that people had for him.

"The paramedics came about 20 mins later, and treated him, then he was carried to the ambulance on a stretcher."

Mr Dew added: "Young people of our age often get a bad press - but it was the middle aged, older people just standing round watching when it happened."

Mr Baig, from Hallow, said: "I saw everything. When he fell his head hit the ground first.

"We rushed to help - we would do the same again."