HEARTBROKEN sea cadets have been left land bound after thieves stole their safety boat's engine - exactly a year after a similar theft.

Worcester Sea Cadets volunteers were "angry and upset" at finding the boat had been targetted again by thieves, despite them heightening security after the theft in July 2015.

Thieves cut the outboard motor from the boat which was moored securely at their base in Portland Walk, Diglis, between Tuesday at 9.30pm and Thursday at 6.45pm.

While the Yamaha 9.9 HP engine is covered by the insurance, the cadets will have to fork out £100 to cover the excess and their activities will be restricted, including missing out on a planned boating weekend.

Chair Paula Dyde said: "It's really frustrating. This time we had even higher security, special locks and additional chains to secure the engine but they just seem determined to take it.

"Luckily they haven't damaged the boat but I just don't understand how they could do it.

"It says sea cadets on it, it is clearly a youth organisation involving kids but it still doesn't matter, does it.

"As a safety boat, if children are in distress the power boat gets to them quickly and technically they shouldn't be out without the safety boat there.

"The children are really, really upset and angry, coming to terms with how unfair it is and asking why it has happened again.

"We are run on a shoestring and it means that £100 will no longer be able to be spent on something we wanted to like buying equipment for the children to use or sending a child on a course.

"We wanted to use that £100 on our unit, not for the pleasure having someone steal our engine."

Mrs Dyde said, as well as last year's theft, the base had recently been repainted because it had been graffitied, has rough sleepers and drug users around the back and they had to chase away people trying to get in the back a few weeks ago.

Last Thursday, they noticed water was coming through the ceiling and found someone had been sitting on the roof, drinking beer and split the roofing which had to be repaired with corrugated plastic.

"We've been decorating the station and we're moving positively upwards, or so we thought, then hey presto we're knocked back.

"There is no respect for what it is we do here. It's just crazy.

"One thing we've thought about is building a perimeter fence around but it would spoil the look and feel of the place.

"We just wish people would show a bit of respect - it's a sea cadets unit which involves children having fun on the water and learning skills and learning to be decent Worcester citizens.

"Unfortunately, it is the not-so-decent citizens of Worcester who are spoiling that."

Anyone who had information should contact the non-emergency police number 101 quoting reference number 0711S 140716.