WORCESTER’S MP has spoken of his disappointment at Nicky Morgan being sacked as Education Secretary today - as he lost a key role.

Mrs Morgan’s brutal demotion means Robin Walker has lost his position as her Parliamentary Private Secretary, her aide in the Commons.

The duo had worked extremely closely together on big changes to education reform and were pioneering the much-talked about White Paper based around more academy conversions and school governor changes.

During a seismic reshuffle new Prime Minister Theresa May has rung serious changes, including promoting a series of key Brexit backers to big roles including making Boris Johnson new Foreign Secretary and Amber Rudd Home Secretary.

Harriett Baldwin is tonight waiting to hear if she has kept her job as Economic Secretary to the Treasury, while elsewhere in Worcestershire Sajid Javid was moved across from his business role to become new communities secretary.

Pro-Leave campaigner David Davis was handed the new role of Brexit minister while Liam Fox, another Eurosceptic figure of the right, was handed control of international trade.

Mr Walker today told the Worcester News he was determined to see fairer funding delivered to schools under new Education Secretary Justine Greening.

“I really enjoyed working with Nicky, she was an excellent secretary of state and I think it’s a shame she had to move on,” he said.

“But then some of the new appointments I’m really excited about, the structural changes Theresa May has made make sense.

“With Boris Johnson as Foreign Secretary, David Davis doing Brexit and Liam Fox on international trade it shows a strong role for people who campaigned for Leave, that’s probably the right direction of travel.

“And congratulations to people like Gavin Williamson (new chief whip), an old friend of mine who’s made the step up.”

Mrs Morgan had made an historic policy pledge to deliver on fairer funding for schools before she lost her job, with Mr Walker saying it would remain a must.

“Theresa was very clear that she’s a supporter of fairer funding, she spoke up for it when she was shadow education secretary in 1999,” he said.

“I really want it to be delivered and I know it can be delivered.”

Other Tory big guns Michael Gove, John Whittingdale and Oliver Letwin were all sacked in quick succession this morning during the new premier’s astonishing purge.

Philip Hammond is the new Chancellor and Jeremy Hunt, whose handling of the junior doctors’ strike enraged tens of thousands of NHS staff kept his job as Health Secretary.

Mrs May, who fired George Osborne, has handed leadership rival Andrea Leadsom a new job as Environment Secretary in a key promotion with the reshuffle still ongoing.

Sources today said Mrs May’s reshuffle was originally due to be complete by 1pm, but it is now expected to carry on possibly into tomorrow.