YOUNG Good Samaritans sprang to help an 89-year-old man after he fell and broke his nose in Worcester city centre.

The man fell outside Connect to Vape on Broad Street and was lying on the ground unable to move when a shop worker, a care worker and three young men came to his aid.

One of the young men offered up his hoody as a pillow.

The men, all thought to be in their teens or early 20s, refused to leave until he had been taken to hospital in an ambulance even though it was nearly an hour before he was carried to an ambulance on a stretcher.

People at the scene praised the young men for their action.

Christopher Willmott, who works at the shop, phoned the ambulance service.

He said: "I was at the top of the shop and I heard a big thud.

"I came outside and he was face down literally on the floor.

"I tried speaking to him and there was no response.

"Trickles of blood were coming under his face and I could see he had broken his nose.

"Three people were sat on the bench and they witnessed it all."

Mr Willmott said: "He needed something to support his head because someone was holding it for him.

"A lad took his hoody off and put it underneath his head to support it.

"The woman on the phone was getting me to ask lots of questions and they provided all the information I needed to know."

Simon Jones, a care worker who was passing when the man fell, said: "I asked if anyone had anything for the man to put his head on and a young teenager offered his bag but then another teenager took off his hoody and we used this for a cushion, which was soon covered in blood."

One of the young men also collected up the man's possessions, including jewellery, medication and a walking stick and put them in the shop for safe-keeping.

Mr Jones said he thought the young men should be thanked, adding: "A few teenagers, whom usually get bad press, helped keep an old man safe and helped him when he needed it most."

Jacqueline Oakley, who was also there, said: "People moan about the younger generation but hats off to them, they wouldn't leave until he was in the ambulance.

"I put the one's hoody in a bag and he said he'd take it home for his mum to wash."

A West Midlands Ambulance Service spokesman said they received a call just after 4pm on Friday, July 8.

She said: "We were called to a patient who had a head injury.

"We took an elderly man to Worcestershire Royal Hospital."

Do you know the good samaritans? Contact Worcester News on 01905 742244.