THIEVES stole wedding rings during a raid at a Worcester city centre jewellery shop.

Police are investigating the incident which happened at Rock Lobster Jewellery, in Reindeer Court, at 6am on Monday, July 11.

Two men were riding a blue moped with a learner plate on the front through the pedestrian area of St Martin's Quarter, and were then spotted driving onto Mealcheapen Street, before turning left into Reindeer Court.

The men were thought to have been carrying a rubber fencing foot.

The thieves forced their way into the premises, smashing through the bolted door and breaking a window. They took various items of jewellery including the rings from the shop's display area, before escaping on the moped.

Police have not released the value of the items stolen.

A moped was later reported to be on fire in a wooded area near to King George V playing fields and Laurel Road, firefighters arriving at that scene shortly after 7am.

Inspector Gerald Smith said investigations are ongoing to confirm whether the burnt out moped is linked to the burglary.

Insp Smith said: "Both men were wearing motorcycle helmets and scarves covering their faces.

"As well as the helmets, one man wore a camouflage jacket, jeans and white trainers. The other wore a dark blue jacket, jeans, black trainers and motorbike gloves.

"They would have looked very distinctive and it is likely that motorists or members of the public may have seen them travelling to or from the offence.

"I would appeal directly to local residents who may well have seen people acting suspiciously in the area to come forward.

"It is also likely that the fencing foot was stolen from somewhere local and somebody may be aware one is missing but not thought to report it."

A spokesman from Rock Lobster Jewellery told the Worcester News CCTV showed the thieves were in and out within minutes, and appeared to just want the rings.

"We have been here 18 years, and this is the first time we have been hit," the spokesman said.

"It's wedding season, the wedding rings will have to be replaced.

"The door is also going to have to be replaced - the disruption is not nice.

"I want to say a thank you to our staff who really pulled together, and got us back up and running so quickly."

The raid follows a similar incident in the city centre when Ice Fine Jewellers, on Chapel Walk, was raided at the end of June.

In that incident jewellery and watches were taken by men who also escaped on a motorcycle.

A West Mercia police spokesman said officers are "keeping an open mind" into whether the raids are linked, while their investigation continue.

Anyone with information is asked to call police on 101, quoting 99s. Alternatively call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.