A GREEN Party councillor in Worcestershire has joined the calls for a snap general election, saying Theresa May has "no mandate".

Councillor Julian Roskams, who has tried to become an MP in West Worcestershire, wants the new Prime Minister to head to the country.

The Worcester News revealed yesterday how senior figures in Worcester Labour Party were calling for the same thing, despite Mrs May ruling it out.

In a string of messages on social networking site Twitter Councillor Roskams, a district politician in Malvern, joined the calls.

He said: "Five times as many people voted for me to become a district councillor as voted for Theresa May to become PM - time for an election.

"Our next Prime Minister, setting out an agenda very different to the one voted for in May, has been selected for us by 190 MPs, she has no mandate."

Councillor Roskams is a former Mayor of Worcester and stood against current West Worcestershire MP Harriett Baldwin last year.

It comes as Mrs May was widely tipped today to promote a raft of women into more senior positions, including Mrs Baldwin, who is a current Treasury minister.

The new premier, who arrived into Downing Street this evening, is already underway planning a new-look Cabinet.

The likes of Karen Bradley, Margot James and Amber Rudd have also been tipped for top jobs.

"It was Theresa who set up the campaign to elect more female MPs to parliament, and she has always believed that there should be more women in prominent government positions,” said a spokeswoman for May.


A FORMER Worcester Labour MP has described Angela Eagle as “a smart cookie” as the party’s leadership contest rolls into gear.

Mike Foster, the city’s first and still only-ever Labour MP, says the ex-shadow business secretary was well placed to challenge Jeremy Corbyn.

Last night Labour’s ruling National Executive Committee (NEC) ruled that Mr Corbyn would be automatically entitled to appear on the candidates list.

It means the under-siege leader will not need signatures from 51 MPs or MEPs, with the party’s civil war showing no signs of easing.

Mr Foster, who has consistently called for Mr Corbyn to quit, said: “Angela’s very clever.

“She comes across as looking a bit dour but she’s not, she has a wicked sense of humour and is a smart cookie.

“She’s intellectually very clever, which is something Jeremy Corbyn doesn’t have.”

Owen Smith, a 46-year-old MP for Pontypridd, is also making a stab at the Labour leadership.

He today accused some on the right of the party of acting in a way which could “split” Labour.

Mr Smith MP, said: “I will stand in this election and I will do the decent thing and fight Jeremy Corbyn on the issues – just as he will do with me.”

* CAMERON'S GOODBYE: Worcestershire MPs pay tribute to David Cameron on day of final PMQs