A SWANEE whistle world record attempt is set to take place at Upton Blues Festival on Sunday.

Some 500 people will play swanee whistles alongside a backing choir singing Always Look on the Bright Side of Life.

The participants will whistle their way through the high street and officially start the Guinness World Records attempt at the refurbished tennis courts.

Steve Steinhaus will be the compere and guide the whistlers in their attempt, which will start at 1pm.

Organisers are recording the performance to provide adjudicators with proof, and 250 whistlers will have to take part for a record to be set.

Oliver Carpenter, the chairman of Upton Blues Festival, said: "There will be a lot more than 500 people there so we expect to do it.

"We looked at the Guinness World Records site and looked to see which records were available and found a gap we thought we could do.

"I assume that once the attempt is ratified it will be online in the next month and I'm sure it will be in next year's Guinness Book of World Records."

Mr Carpenter said the participatory event will be a chance to celebrate the festival's funding for the refurbishment of the tennis courts.

"We are feeling very excited about the festival now, it's all coming together really well and there's a real buzz," he said.

Mr Carpenter said a record number of campers are attending this year's festival, with 3,500 people expected to pitch their tents.

"There's 1,000 more people camping in Fish Meadow than the number who live in Upton. The town will double, and then some," he said.

There is no current Guinness World Record for the most swanee whistles played in one place.