A GANG of teenagers threw stones and chanted "go home" at a house of Polish people in Worcester, according to a shocked eye-witness.

Police are investigating and have confirmed that a group of teens were dispersed from Astwood Road after several neighbours reported them between 9.30pm and 11pm on Monday night.

One boy was arrested, then 'de-arrested', and taken home by police officers.

West Mercia Police says it received a number of phone calls about the incident, but that nobody has made a complaint about being racially abused.

However, they are urging victims to report it so they can investigate fully.

The eyewitness, who asked not to be named, said he called police three times after spotting a group of nine teens - six boys and three girls - throwing stones at the house and shouting abuse.

He claimed the gang, which he believes were aged between ten and 16, were chanting "Go home foreigners".

"The kids kept going back to racially abuse the same house three times after the police had left," he said.

"We have had trouble but this is the worst and I am shocked at how the police came three times yet the teens were free to return time and time again and arm themselves with bricks and shout racial hatred at the tenants.

"I feel so sorry for the people living in the house targeted and how appalling it reflect on the UK that the police come and yet this doesn't stop the same group coming back during the same evening to racially abuse and threaten foreign nationals."

A Worcester News reporter spoke to a number of people living down the street and, though they had not witnessed last night's incident, a couple did say there have been problems in recent weeks with teenagers throwing stones at homes.

Superintendent Kevin Purcell said West Mercia Police is committed to ensuring that all hate crime is investigated thoroughly.

"We work hard with communities and partners in Worcestershire to play a key role in keeping what is a diverse yet cohesive community safe and enjoying our fine county and all it has to offer," he said.

"I would encourage anyone that suffers any form of hate crime to report it.

"We will ensure that we support any victim of such crime.

"We will, on behalf of all the community, pursue perpetrators to ensure it is clear their behaviour is unacceptable and criminal."

A police spokeswoman said: "Police received a number of complaints of anti-social behaviour in Astwood Road on Monday 11 July, between 9.30pm and 11pm.

"Officers attended and dispersed a group of teenage boys and girls.

"No complaints of hate crime have been received, however if anyone has been a victim we would urge them to report it and it will be investigated fully."