WORCESTERSHIRE residents are being urged to become more aware of the different kinds of phone scams, as part of an initiative this month.

July is National Scams Awareness Month, an initiative by Citizens Advice designed to empower UK consumers to get advice, report scams and tell others about their experiences.

Call blocking specialists, CPR Call Blocker, is also getting behind the initiative and has highlighted the top telephone scams that are catching consumers out, in an attempt to ensure Worcestershire residents do not become victims of financial fraud themselves.

Among the scams listed are calls offering unsolicited pensions, and computer scams where the victim is told their equipment can be fixed for a small fee.

There are also investment scams where people are offered the chance to purchase wine, shares and land overseas to make money, and Government department scams where people are offered money but need to pay a fee to release the imaginary cash.

Residents are reminded scammers often impersonate someone from a bank, police or other plausible organisation, and advise people to never be manipulated into sharing financial information.

Kris Hicks of CPR Call Blocker said: “Research shows that 15 per cent of UK consumers have lost money to scams in the last 12 months with four per cent of those losing over £10,000.

“It’s initiatives such as National Scams Awareness Month that can empower people to take action and regain control over their telephones."

For more details visit cprcallblocker.com/tips.