SCHOOL children from Worcester have pledged to raise £20,000 for charity.

Teenagers from Christopher Whitehead Language College, St John's, Worcester, will spend the next three years fund-raising for Fresh Start Foundation (FSF), a city-based charity supporting vulnerable children living in the Gambia, West Africa.

Teacher, Rebecca Daffeh, founded the charity with her husband Lamin and has been overwhelmed with the Bromwich Road school's support.

"The school have pledged to raise the money over a three-year period, which is just incredible," she said.

"They've been so supportive and the kids are really up for it."

"So far, we've had a few fairly small events such as cakes sale and sponsored silences. Now we're gearing up to do some serious fund-raising."

On Friday, June 15, a group of children who belong to the specially set up Fresh Start mini-enterprise, will take part in a sponsored basketball shoot-out alongside children from Manor Park Special School.

They will then help organise and run an evening of indulgence - a night in July when the school will open to the public and people will be able to have massages and make-overs while sipping cocktails.

"We'll have items for sale," said Mrs Daffeh. "and they'll be people giving massages, doing reflexology and reading Tarot cards.

"We've also got a raffle with some brilliant prizes donated by local businesses."

FSF provides orphaned and vulnerable children living in the Gambia with vital education and health care.

The charity needs £85,000 to build a brand new children's centre, which would accommodate 250 children aged between 14 and 18 years old.

For more information call Lamin Daffeh on 07859927472 or e-mail

An evening of indulgence takes place on Thursday, July 5. Tickets, priced £3, are available from Christopher Whitehead on 01905 423906.