INSTALLING cameras at two vandal-plagued play areas is the solution to the problem, says Worcester MP Mike Foster. Local people would also no longer have to endure the misery caused by yobs if CCTV was introduced.

He then wonders why the city council doesn't spend money from reserves to get the gear in place. Very neat, Mr Foster - a nice slice of populism and a pop at the Tory-ruled council at the same time.

All the same, we can't really argue with the sentiments. Cameras - once regarded in some quarters as a threat to civil liberties - are now a valuable tool in the fight against crime. They assist the police in bringing wrongdoers to justice and it's hard to imagine our inner cities or estates without them.

But in play areas? Sadly, the answer may have to be yes. The days have gone when children's seesaws and roundabouts might have been safe from the attentions of louts. It now seems that nothing is disqualified from being a candidate for destruction.

However, the council is wary of committing cash before the Government's next spending round has been announced. That's understandable, too - but the Worcester News nevertheless hopes that politicians great and small will reach agreement at some stage.

May the force be with you

ONCE, male headline writers would have called it petticoat power, or used some other moth-eaten cliche.

No longer. Contrary to legend - and judging by the evidence of our eyes - women may well be the stronger, rather than the fairer sex. And should you be in any doubt about that, just cast your eyes over pages four and five of today's Worcester News. Ladies... may the force be with you.