THREE Worcester drug dealers have been locked up after they were stopped by police in Worcester with £4,500 worth of heroin and cocaine in their car.

"Experienced" 35-year-old drug dealer Muddsiar Shabir and two younger accomplices - 20-year-old Luke Bridger and 19-year-old Zahid Ali - were pulled over near Junction 6 of the M5 by police, who searched the car and discovered the drugs.

Worcester Crown Court heard the dealers were on their way back from Birmingham, where they had driven to fetch fresh supplies to sell in the Worcester area.

The court heard that Shabir drove the car, but gave the drugs to his accomplices, Bridger and Ali, in case they were stopped.

Shabir, of Friesland Close, Worcester, was found guilty after a trial of possessing heroin and cocaine with intent to supply and being concerned in the supply. He was jailed for a total of six years.

Bridger, of Carlisle Road and Ali, of Lark Hill Road, both Worcester, also pleaded guilty to the charges.

Bridger also pleaded guilty to possession with intent to supply heroin and possession of cannabis on another occasion and to intimidating a witness.

Ali also pleaded guilty to possessing cocaine on another occasion with intent to supply.

Michael Conry, prosecuting, said police stopped the car with Shabir driving near Junction 6 of the M5 on July 14 last year and found the drugs. They also found mobile phones with messages relating to drug dealing and £780 in cash.

In October, Bridger had intimidated a young girl witness who was due to give evidence in a robbery case against a friend of his.

He posted messages on Facebook saying "snitches get stitches" and told her he was going to "slap" her boyfriend because she was a rat when he passed her in the street, Mr Conry said.

On December 4, he was seen by the canal in Worcester near the old Worcester City football ground, which was known as a place for drug dealing, Mr Conry told the court, in what appeared to be an exchange.

He was arrested with £76 worth of cannabis and £305 worth of heroin.

Ali was seen dealing in January in Perrywood Walk by a police officer he recognised. He ran away but was caught with an amount of cocaine, Mr Conry said.

Judith Kenney, for Bridger, said he was a "footsoldier" in the supply of drugs in the city.

He did not use heroin himself but had got involved because he didn't have enough money to buy his family Christmas presents, she said.

She said the messages he had put on Facebook were lyrics from a rap song and were not directly aimed at the prospective witness.

Iain Suggett, for Ali, said he had got involved with drugs through others and he was now using his time in custody to further his education.

Richard Davenport, for Shabir, said the father of two did not live an excessive lifestyle and his activity had been limited.

Judge Robert Juckes, QC, said dealing in class A drugs would always carry a prison sentence.

"There have to be deterrent sentences because of the effect of drugs in this city and elsewhere," he said.

Shabir, he said, was an "experienced" drugs dealer who had already served a jail sentence. He took the two younger men to Birmingham to refresh the supplies.

"They carried the drugs in his car which he drove so that if they were stopped he could pretend they were nothing to do with him, the judge said.

Bridger was given a total of 45 months in custody and Ali a total of 42 months.