A HERD of cattle has been let loose on grassland in the heart of Worcester.

The 20-strong herd has been released on Chapter Meadows as part of an annual conservation exercise by Worcester City Council.

The cattle will be allowed free rein on the riverside floodplain, owned by the Duckworth Worcestershire Trust, to help preserve grassland and wild flowers.

The initiative is designed to act as a natural and cost-effective way of keeping the grass short enough to allow the vast array of wildflowers in the area to get sunlight to grow and hopefully thrive.

Warwick Neale, community engagement officer at Worcester City Council, said: “Cattle are part of nature’s management plan and help to maintain the balance of plant life and wildlife.

“We introduce the cattle for around six months in a bid to regain some of the traditional benefits of natural stewardship.

“The sudden re-appearance of cattle may take a few people by surprise, but the animals will probably be too busy chewing the cud to take notice of any passers-by.”