THE relieved owner of a cat that was stuck precariously high on over head power lines has thanked firefighters who came to her rescue.

Helen Sargent, of Saunders Street, Northwick, has also thanked neighbours who came to Eula-May's aide as she came under attack from a flock of magpies.

She had Eula-May, a torbie, from Worcester Cats Protection as a kitten three years ago.

"I was so relieved when I knew Eula was safely down. She's not the most agile cat in the world and couldn't have got down on her own, I'm sure.

"She is easily spooked and we think she got frightened, maybe by a dog, and ran up the pole to escape only then to get attacked from the air by three magpies whose squawking was what attracted my neighbour, Roni.

"I'm so grateful to her and to my other good neighbours who helped hold the blanket the fire officers eventually managed to get her down and into.

"I've contacted the fire service to thank them for their help and to offer a donation as I'm just so relieved she's okay and safely home with her brother, Spongeface who is also a Cats Protection cat.

"I am sincerely appreciative to live in an area with such kind, compassionate neighbours and I am grateful to have such superb public services."