AN "OBNOXIOUS" drunken man smashed a shopping trolley into a police car and took drugs in the back of another police vehicle while he was under arrest.

Sam Knott admitted ramming a trolley into the side of the car just yards from Worcester police station.

Knott, aged 28, from Sebright Avenue, Worcester, was given a 12 month supervision order at Worcester Magistrates Court.

He admitted six charges - one each of criminal damage, drunk and disorderly, being in possession of amphetamines and three bail act offences for failing to attend court.

The court heard how Knott rammed a trolley into the police car in Love's Grove, Worcester as it pulled alongside him, causing more than £300 damage at 2.15am on June 24, last year. He had appeared drunk.

Knott also admitted being drunk and disorderly on December 23 last year and to possession of class B amphetamines on the same evening. He was arrested after being turned away from Images Nightclub in Worcester and then unwrapped and took amphetamines in the back of the police car.

He had consumed seven pints of Stella, three double whiskies and amphetamines that night. He also admitted being drunk and disorderly in Barbourne Road, Worcester, on Friday, May 12, when he refused to leave the Talbot pub.

He was arrested after staggering about in the middle of the road, causing cars to brake and being "rude and obnoxious" to police officers.

Dawn Cooper, defending, said: "He has a deeply entrenched problem with alcohol. He does accept the seriousness of not attending court. He was afraid of receiving a custodial sentence."

Knott, who has three previous convictions for being drunk and disorderly, also owes the court £594 in fines and has personal debts of more than £5,000. On top of this he was ordered to pay £307 compensation for the damage to the car, £60 costs and ordered to seek help from Worcester Community Alcohol Team.