There are many bird scarers on the market to keep them off newly planted cabbages or you could make your own out of some string and shiny old CDs threaded through at strategic points - but sooner or later the birds will realise that these deterrents are not an actual threat.

So the best way to go is to grow them under netting. All you do is erect four stakes (such as canes) in the ground around the edge of your patch, and place fine-weave mesh sheeting or netting over them, attaching it to the posts with strong twine or wire.

Make sure your canes are cut above the plant, to ensure the netting is held above the plants, or the birds will just peck through it.

It may also be worth placing a collar (available in garden centres or you could make your own from old carpet squares) round the stem of each young plant to stop the cabbage root fly from laying eggs at the base of the stem.